Wednesday, 7 April 2010

strategic places around california for the soldiers
pueblos were the farming community

no recording of the deeds
ownership of the land

land grants no recording concept the deed was the concept

territory not a state for many years
same time as the war
ca a state two times later

treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
honor spanish land grants
community property

english concept dower and curtsy
no more than a third

life estates
only got the interest

could not will to their heirs
chapter eight
one third one half
a fee estate meaning can't be inherited
the spanish community property concept

one half interest
chapter eight

spanish mexican property concept.
when ca became territory

forced deeds
and then
sort thru
US set up a recording system
after CA became a territory
all you had was a piece of paper
the people

lots of forgeries
some slipped thru
once became a territory
and local
privately owned

an interesting lawsuit in UTAH
involvinf federal land.
utah suing the feds
can make better used
pwr reserved not to feds to the state
if utah

supreme court in an immanent domain case
property could be taken for a govt use.

capable of ownership
intelectual property
pets considered property
real property
described as land

property colored sand real property

air space to the outer reaches of the atmosphere

coastal zone act
affixed or attatched to the land

things appurtenant to the land
an easement
is belonging to
ingress/egress easement

immovable--real property considered immovable
property you want to tax

not that is phys. immovable but
immovabe by law (even tho a crane could move it---or fixtures movable, but immovable by law)
use term of art or legalese

nevertheless the argument would fail
whether immovable by law
sitting on a foundation

crops that grow naturally
such as trees and fruits and vegetables
real property
real property as soon as they are attached to the land.
considered lumber

contract for trees under the UCC
uniform commercial code

attached to the tree so they are affixed as real property
the crops always considered personal property for UCC purposes.

but for property transfer they go with the land.

fructus naturales
considered real property until they are severed.

trust deed
promissory note
trust deed
interest in real property
bank or lender bc of dded of trust
interest of real property
chattel real
considered personal property

fructus industrialis!

personal property

manner of annexation


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