unconscionable contract terms
fair for seller has read it
subagent tries to bind broker agent
sales person appropriate person
granted fm seller point of view
argument against
in fairness
signature earned acceptance
179 case
broker not entitled
nice try no cigar
break in the chain of events
prospective buyer a house
promissory estoppel
reliance reasonable
today oral listing reliance unlikely
higher the sales price higher the commision
buyer wants lowest price
less comission
so the worst deal you get me---the more money you make!!!
incentivize deal
2% at listing
3% if at below listing price
brokers net listing
to peers look like an idiot
some will because
. . .
ethical problems in the listing
multiple listing service
as another kind of listing
what it really is is a service provided by the local real estate board
high end
re:burglars, nosy neighbors
trust account
advertising expense
whatever agreed upon in attempting to market property
advanced fee addendum
p 188
becoming common
an option is a contract
buyers who would be speculators
exercise independent appraisal
rt of first refusal
connections of listings
option of purchasing the property at the agreed upon price
agreed fair market value
buying your property!!!!
price favorable to me!!!
disclose problems as well
first tuesday
split commissions
stat of frauds
service contract
if takes more than a year
year and a day
co-op agmt not in writing
RE purchase contract
residential and joint escrow
an offer from
the buyer
the seller is inviting offers
some buyers think it is
acceptance is paragraph thirty three
no pest control inspection
county tax lower than city
often pays both but its negotiable
unless negotiable.
Megan's Law offender disclosure
call # or website disclosure.
illegal redlining.
hold law los angeles
assemblyperson sponsored.
in honor of tom duffy's dedication and thoroughness. thank you for respecting us enough to keep the pace up, keep it cogent and challenging. get ready to learn. if you want it watered down go elsewhere. compiled from tom duffy's real estate and property law classes at LACC
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
wed property law
CAR forms
buyer seller broker
last revision
leave out terms then cash on delivery
due diligence
fiduciary duties
in order to make a legally sufficient contract
commission in eschange
for buyer willing ready and able
signed by parties sought to be charged
satisfied contract demand
brokers and selelrs duties
indemnify defend v. litigation
broker should have known
this indemnification doesn't apply
should have known
dual agent
rep deposit
in listing contract
keep commission entire
disclose as soon as practicable
hereby consents
liq damages fm buyer if cancel
egregiously broker oriented
informed consent
arguably an adhesion contract
buyer seller broker
last revision
leave out terms then cash on delivery
due diligence
fiduciary duties
in order to make a legally sufficient contract
commission in eschange
for buyer willing ready and able
signed by parties sought to be charged
satisfied contract demand
brokers and selelrs duties
indemnify defend v. litigation
broker should have known
this indemnification doesn't apply
should have known
dual agent
rep deposit
in listing contract
keep commission entire
disclose as soon as practicable
hereby consents
liq damages fm buyer if cancel
egregiously broker oriented
informed consent
arguably an adhesion contract
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
an agmt btw 2 or more persons to do or not do something.
corporate persons also can enter into contracts
voluntary agreements.
to do or not do something.
promise not to do something as wel
seventy feet to the front lot line
one valid contract
question about definition
divide contracts into classification
express or implied
in RE stated in words and in writing expressed
implied means understood not stated in words
conduct or the law
implied in fact
implied via conduct purchase transactions
implied in law
quasi contract figment of imagination.
invent it to prevent an unjust enrichment
pretend where there really is not
one way
evidentiary rules for proof
or unilateral
two promises bilateral
typical promise in exchange for a promise
binding contract
void contracts minor, mental, drunk
capacity problem
at option of the innocent person
contracts---performed promise
real estate signed deed executed deed
capacity for contract
twenty one contract
18 california
best acceptance.
i accept
i accept
counteroffer is a form of rejection
all the tea in china
counteroffer terminates the offer
it might be mean but i know the law
by lapse of time
do not specify when it terminates
depends on facts
revocation prior to acceptance
too late to revoke
unilateral terminate acceptance
mutual mistake as fact
terminates contract at option of either
illegal blockbusting
consent thru fear
contract voidable
undue influence tough to prove
simply allege as fiduciary you prove no---guilty til proven innocent
capacity and future consent
bargain for exchange---too much too little---time enter into contract!!!
courts not to get you out of bad contracts
bus decisions
no undue influence in fidu relationship
equitable remedies
two categories
equity specific performance
jail or any other remedy
was consideration fair
money damages
adequacy in equity (church)
only sufficiency in remedy in law
old english contracts
basics of consideration
then those are the four elements avail. for contract
implied in fact contract
implied in law
some expressed in writing
statute of frauds
statute of writings to prevent fraud 16th century
tougher to prove an oral contract than
conduct constitutes contract
companion rule
parole evidence rule
from french parole to speak
if in writing then oral b4 or same time stmts not admissible
we negotiate presumption is
same time as in contract
if it were otherwise
checklist sat of frauds satisfied
subsequent stmt
b4 or at same time
or made concurrently
handwritten conveys current intent not yesterday
pure memorization of thought idea
TOE--time is of the essense
increases time requ.
so not in breach.
contracts notoriously slow to perform.
not have to be on writing
a year and a day
landlord writing
you the tenant
tenant sues for breach
statute of frauds
not a contract
lease is a form of contract
a relationship but no written contract
capacity mut consent off accept
legality consideration
memorandum compliant with stat of frauds
no defenses duress undue influence
risk breach
best is full performance
contract breached leaky roof
breach is the worst way
if breach ct will sue and court of law or more often money damages
dont care about adequacy of consideration
little dicey minus what to complete it
if it is not partial performance
impossibility objectively impossible
every ct would honor
contract scenarios destruction of subject matter
discharge by operation of the law
puts property into another category under fed BK code
sell assets then
remedy breach
back up offer
accept breach
unilateral recission
cannot terminate
ct will order a recission bc of recission.
usual remedy for actual damages.
we dont care about adequacy and specific remedy
sign the deed
powerful remedy
all elements of specific performance.
TOE--tot operat expense
option of the innocent person
corporate persons also can enter into contracts
voluntary agreements.
to do or not do something.
promise not to do something as wel
seventy feet to the front lot line
one valid contract
question about definition
divide contracts into classification
express or implied
in RE stated in words and in writing expressed
implied means understood not stated in words
conduct or the law
implied in fact
implied via conduct purchase transactions
implied in law
quasi contract figment of imagination.
invent it to prevent an unjust enrichment
pretend where there really is not
one way
evidentiary rules for proof
or unilateral
two promises bilateral
typical promise in exchange for a promise
binding contract
void contracts minor, mental, drunk
capacity problem
at option of the innocent person
contracts---performed promise
real estate signed deed executed deed
capacity for contract
twenty one contract
18 california
best acceptance.
i accept
i accept
counteroffer is a form of rejection
all the tea in china
counteroffer terminates the offer
it might be mean but i know the law
by lapse of time
do not specify when it terminates
depends on facts
revocation prior to acceptance
too late to revoke
unilateral terminate acceptance
mutual mistake as fact
terminates contract at option of either
illegal blockbusting
consent thru fear
contract voidable
undue influence tough to prove
simply allege as fiduciary you prove no---guilty til proven innocent
capacity and future consent
bargain for exchange---too much too little---time enter into contract!!!
courts not to get you out of bad contracts
bus decisions
no undue influence in fidu relationship
equitable remedies
two categories
equity specific performance
jail or any other remedy
was consideration fair
money damages
adequacy in equity (church)
only sufficiency in remedy in law
old english contracts
basics of consideration
then those are the four elements avail. for contract
implied in fact contract
implied in law
some expressed in writing
statute of frauds
statute of writings to prevent fraud 16th century
tougher to prove an oral contract than
conduct constitutes contract
companion rule
parole evidence rule
from french parole to speak
if in writing then oral b4 or same time stmts not admissible
we negotiate presumption is
same time as in contract
if it were otherwise
checklist sat of frauds satisfied
subsequent stmt
b4 or at same time
or made concurrently
handwritten conveys current intent not yesterday
pure memorization of thought idea
TOE--time is of the essense
increases time requ.
so not in breach.
contracts notoriously slow to perform.
not have to be on writing
a year and a day
landlord writing
you the tenant
tenant sues for breach
statute of frauds
not a contract
lease is a form of contract
a relationship but no written contract
capacity mut consent off accept
legality consideration
memorandum compliant with stat of frauds
no defenses duress undue influence
risk breach
best is full performance
contract breached leaky roof
breach is the worst way
if breach ct will sue and court of law or more often money damages
dont care about adequacy of consideration
little dicey minus what to complete it
if it is not partial performance
impossibility objectively impossible
every ct would honor
contract scenarios destruction of subject matter
discharge by operation of the law
puts property into another category under fed BK code
sell assets then
remedy breach
back up offer
accept breach
unilateral recission
cannot terminate
ct will order a recission bc of recission.
usual remedy for actual damages.
we dont care about adequacy and specific remedy
sign the deed
powerful remedy
all elements of specific performance.
TOE--tot operat expense
option of the innocent person
Broker's responsibilities
page 96
trust account
earnest money deposit
in form of a check
three things
give it to the seller
seller might spend it the buyer the broker comes back for the money
best choice
escrow officer
not taking till escrow opense
time limit
three working days
subtrust buyer seller
a few days after that take to escrow officers
other people's money
danger: if cominngle
borrow for three days if caught and lose license.
Broker file with---anything else keep for three years.
If somebody comes along if you dont have all the documents then
independent contractor vs. employee.
Salespeople wear several hats.
The relationship with the principle.
Typically the broker.
The subagent the salesperson. One relationship
caravan look at the listings re strengths and weaknesses.
brings to saturday having floor duty.
office drop by sales.
big open house.
no time to be in the office.
nine o clock.
monday morning.
open houses on weekends.
what's going on
meetings and training sessions for employees.
can't do with contractor.
payroll records.
if this person is independent contractor.
dental insurance
courts have said and IRS sales person is. enough stories about broker. this broker made every sales person log every copy staple, everything they did---going to an extreme.
re: IRS
key question.
98 figure four
when you get yr license select broker's three page form
independent contractor agreement.
mximum extent permissble by law.
department of real estate.
broker dont care what you call them---they are employee must be trained re liability issues.
this is the employer---training---for whatever. employee. subagent
broker is the principal.
moving list house.
take listing in what capacity. direct as you.
seller not a principle not an agent
seller wearing four hats
independent contractor
salespeople dont undrsatnd the many roles
independent contractor to max extent permitted by law
insurance on vehicle more than the minimu to protect selves
errors and omissions services.
court will say, you are liable.
salesperson is not an independent contractor.
much more complex than this
control vs. liability
one more relationship
an attorney in fact
seller says---not only list property and agent
transferred back there
i trust you i think you are honest and reliable
signed by the seller
where the real property located
sales person or broker
my spouse is ill in the hospital.
when he says pwr of attorney
do not give power of attorney power of attorney
once in hospital and surgery for signature
better to have in advance
ordinary general
incapacity terminates
durable power of attorney---the one you should give your loved one
broker gets special or limited power of attorney.
sign in relation to other
specific power of atty
county recorder
power of attorney
recorded property
as author point s out 3
most serious
material impt under the circumstances
10000 acre ranch
one inch material depends on facts and circumstances
civil cases less punitive damges chance except for fraud
recover another million in damages
intent and knowledge
w defense
actual damages court costs and atty fees
civil wrong act duty breach actual cause proximate cross
carelessly and should have checked facts
wasn't negligent.
told something
still get recission
fraud in addition to civil fraud
district do we prosecute and put behind bars
all financial offers must be legitimate to seller
must be taken to the principal.
great wonderful
2 dollars
do take all offers to the seller unless the seller has given permission no in writing
between you and me.
confidential agreement.
now buyer calls up broker.
no dont waste my time.
eight fifty no---war
take it
revealed the lowest offer catch 22
better not
call the owner make a legitimte
can't reveal terms or lowest offer.
death after 3 years
buyers believe in ghosts, unless buyer asks it even if they do not ask. some druggie might show up----anything within three years the visual inspection disclosure. agency relationship
privacy issue with age discrimination
HIV law re:discrimination
better answer than that
terminating agency
two different broad categories
terminated by act of properties or by process of law
terminates the agency relationship
once accomplished the mission of selling the property
the best way is by breach
i quit
if you wrongfully terminate it, you'll get sued--terminate by revocation--terminated wrongfully---broker choses not to bc doesnt want to get reputation for suing
out of listing contract
tactical business decision
only agent has right
broker's call if the selelr terminates but its not a wrongful termination three days after the listing contract expires
three days talked to neighbor
when are you having an open house
bc business so good
all ten signs used up explainable
business not that great
broker without salespeople or associate brokers it is a six month listing
whether terminated
close of escrow
best by agmt of parties
find fraud then broker can terminate
not ground sfor getting out of the contract
unilaterally terminate
consult broker
call lawyer and run fact pattern by them seller
unilaterally terminate
othr way the operation of law
law says terminated bc of this
expiration of listing
exclusive listings
have to have exp date otherwise not valid contracts.
no binding purchase contract.
often has extension clause and a grace period and they are on the list of names.
essentially what said.
rare but does happen.
94 terminates agency relationship.
five months
terminated with the destruction of the subject matter.
third way way not understood.
terminates seller relationship.
dies, terminates the agency relationship.
triglycerides stroke terminates listing contract
BK effect
sue and get commission
agmt btw broker/agent and seller
BK effect
sue and get commission
agmt btw broker/agent and seller
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
LEED cert enhancement for broker's license
competitive for CA market
CRA 1866
jones v. mayer SC neg'ed to rule out exception left in concurrent CRA 68
then CRA 1968
left clause
master bedroom
mother-in-law suite
rare find---how discriminatory????
hearken's to redlining
sundown towns
look up portland 1990's mortgage banking collusion case
Rumford act---then became fair housing
Unruh erased origin discrim
then gender, disability, orientation
violation under civil law
exemplary=punitive damages
treble damages
triple damages
also for antitrust damages
thus the act was extended
marital status
age not included as a form of discrimination in the original law
wolfson CA SC case did then extend it to age
CA SC held that
still called for
CA fair employment and housing act
age is not in that list.
most forms covered under fair employment and housing act
federal housing poster
sex means gender
medical not there
ancestry not
discrim v. unmarried couple re: condoning sin
appeal ct reversed then SC reversed appeal
smith v. FEHC 1996
catholics in orange case
income source
what if it illegal?
non-reporting is violation of
which law?
"compounding a felony"
how know thru conviction . . .
what is slander????
don't know of CA case on point
welfare income, alimony income lawful
economic discrim?
not unlawful
can be only a rational basis kind
racial gets higher level scrutiny
voluntary redundant
two or more
labor contracts four thousand empl
more than two
namely corporations
term learned long ago
express stated
statute of frauds
contracts in writing
oral express contract
top page 40
what kind of implied
manifested by conduct
implied in fact vs. implied in law
QUASI---means implied in law
implied in law---ct invents to prevent unjust enrichment
another way
every contract will be bilateral or unilateral
promise and exchange for act
most are bilateral.
binding contract
promise to buy house
sell house
no promise
not paid until complete
most of times it is bilateral
assume it is bilateral and then most of the times you'll be right.
an open listing
promise to pay broker
ready willing and able
commission regardless of who gets the property.
end procuring costs.
categorize contract as executory
get in trouble for breach
signed seller
convict put to death one minute after midnight
wholly executory
buyer and seller
as when escrow closed
deed recorded
fully executed
partly executed.
executed as to manufacturer
or executory to me.
point is breach is likely
most lawsuits are about executory contracts
minor anyone under 18
minors treated as emancipated adults
statutory law
most states
author doesnt distinguish void and voidable
voidable at option of one party
re: consent ideology rape law:insight: marital immunities and rape shield exemption
statutory law take s precedence
law of necessities
case law
judge made
and statutory law supercedes
re: compounding a felony
gambling illegal in that category
contract law age of majority
18 for contracts
can be by an act or expressly
can rescind the contract
minors have an advantage of disaffirming contract
parents cosign
on auto sale contract as minor could disaffirm
anyone over 18 presumed sane
then mental age
puts in a minority status
adjudged insane
legally insane by judge in a competancy hearing
then contract is void
all experts agree that the person is insane but not juge reified
voidable at option of innocent person
voidable at option of the intoxicated person
end hour one
contractual intent
offer communicated
definite and certain
six parts
subject matter parties
time place performance
acceptance form
can accept by fax
keep record of transmission
email as well
terminates the counteroffer
option with reserve
option conducted
selling real estate at auction is a marketing technique
auction with reserve
if highest bidder
original offer terminated
before offeror
revocation before acceptance
after acceptance
remember the california
terminating of authors
two categories
termination by the parties
and by operation of law
revoke is to withdraw the offer
reasonable in time and geographic area
strict construction
blue pencil (pennsylvania)
remedies at law
do we care about the sufficiency of consideration.
adequacy only looked at when seeking equitable remedy
something of value
not second-guess
adequcy of consideration examined by a court durine equitable remedy
option not an offer
third party beneficiaries
intoxication only minors can get out of the contract
fraud is an intentional tort
clear and convincing burden of proof
innocent misrepresentation
no actual damages
but recission
can cancel the contract
negigent misrep diff
reasonable substitution (california)
tenant buyers option
anything of value
when paying
2000 a month
legally sufficient consideration
not iff its the same rent
options are typically exercised within the period
prospective buyer tenant if buyer wants to access options then buyer
no rt to selll to anyone else
no willing
independent appraisal
right of first refusal
don't have to sell the property to me or anyone else
fraud duress
undue influence
full promise by breach
not bc law says
objective impossibility
impracticable---middle way
which cts view which way
commercial frustration
commercially enforced
subjective impossibility of contract performance
unconscionable to reasonable person
shocking to conscience
grounds for getting out of contract
adhesion contract take it or leave it type contract
courts dont like adhesion contract
level of unconscionable
not of even bargaining strength
then not an adhesion contract.
remedies avail
mandatory clause
arbitration clause
accord is satisfaction
just different
with accord and satisfaction
same parties different performance
cts accept
special problem of unliquidated death
good faith dispute about amt of money owed
liuidated debt
we dont do accord and satisfaction
cross out and paid in full
no good faith dispute
highest ever had
if an unliquidated debt
this time we'll let you modify the debt
what giving them a portion of debt
trying to modify amt not valid
a liquidated debt
not work
no consideration
good faith in dispute
law accepts public policy in place of consideration
substituting parties
with novation
no worse off than original tenant
currency dollars
tender is an offer to perform
if it is a bilateral contract
if i dont perf you dont either
but show ready willing
if can show
then can get cts to rule in yr favor because you tendered performance
if qualify from the loan
performed before
substantial performance
inferior materials why not quite the way speced
substantial but incomplete
whatever it costs to fix
measure of damages
all entitled to
compensate for out of pocket monetary loss
punitive exemplary
always often intentional
intent misrep or fraud
only time with contract only if malicious can you get punitive damages
how much liq damages clause
enf if reasonable
if labeledd liquidated damages but in effect punitive
nonenforcable if pun in nature
adequacy of consideration
jury will look at
state cts can give declaratory relief
if i did this how would you rule
statute of frauds
party sought to be charged
memorandum to convince the court there really was a contract
stat of frauds
written contract
possession is the exception in CA
partial making payments
enough to think a contract in other states
sale of personal property
modification of the uniformal commercial code
whatever language you negotiate in
parole evidence rule
oral evidence not to modfify contract
before or at the same time
not later
is admissible to show later oral modification.
promissory estoppel
stained glass hypothetical
rely on gratuitous promise
courts can find promissory estoppel
three years
five yr adverse possession
ten years for judgements
civil code catch all 4 yrs
laches equitqble equiv
record that abstract of jdgmt
go to ct for execution lien
competitive for CA market
CRA 1866
jones v. mayer SC neg'ed to rule out exception left in concurrent CRA 68
then CRA 1968
left clause
master bedroom
mother-in-law suite
rare find---how discriminatory????
hearken's to redlining
sundown towns
look up portland 1990's mortgage banking collusion case
Rumford act---then became fair housing
Unruh erased origin discrim
then gender, disability, orientation
violation under civil law
exemplary=punitive damages
treble damages
triple damages
also for antitrust damages
thus the act was extended
marital status
age not included as a form of discrimination in the original law
wolfson CA SC case did then extend it to age
CA SC held that
still called for
CA fair employment and housing act
age is not in that list.
most forms covered under fair employment and housing act
federal housing poster
sex means gender
medical not there
ancestry not
discrim v. unmarried couple re: condoning sin
appeal ct reversed then SC reversed appeal
smith v. FEHC 1996
catholics in orange case
income source
what if it illegal?
non-reporting is violation of
which law?
"compounding a felony"
how know thru conviction . . .
what is slander????
don't know of CA case on point
welfare income, alimony income lawful
economic discrim?
not unlawful
can be only a rational basis kind
racial gets higher level scrutiny
voluntary redundant
two or more
labor contracts four thousand empl
more than two
namely corporations
term learned long ago
express stated
statute of frauds
contracts in writing
oral express contract
top page 40
what kind of implied
manifested by conduct
implied in fact vs. implied in law
QUASI---means implied in law
implied in law---ct invents to prevent unjust enrichment
another way
every contract will be bilateral or unilateral
promise and exchange for act
most are bilateral.
binding contract
promise to buy house
sell house
no promise
not paid until complete
most of times it is bilateral
assume it is bilateral and then most of the times you'll be right.
an open listing
promise to pay broker
ready willing and able
commission regardless of who gets the property.
end procuring costs.
categorize contract as executory
get in trouble for breach
signed seller
convict put to death one minute after midnight
wholly executory
buyer and seller
as when escrow closed
deed recorded
fully executed
partly executed.
executed as to manufacturer
or executory to me.
point is breach is likely
most lawsuits are about executory contracts
minor anyone under 18
minors treated as emancipated adults
statutory law
most states
author doesnt distinguish void and voidable
voidable at option of one party
re: consent ideology rape law:insight: marital immunities and rape shield exemption
statutory law take s precedence
law of necessities
case law
judge made
and statutory law supercedes
re: compounding a felony
gambling illegal in that category
contract law age of majority
18 for contracts
can be by an act or expressly
can rescind the contract
minors have an advantage of disaffirming contract
parents cosign
on auto sale contract as minor could disaffirm
anyone over 18 presumed sane
then mental age
puts in a minority status
adjudged insane
legally insane by judge in a competancy hearing
then contract is void
all experts agree that the person is insane but not juge reified
voidable at option of innocent person
voidable at option of the intoxicated person
end hour one
contractual intent
offer communicated
definite and certain
six parts
subject matter parties
time place performance
acceptance form
can accept by fax
keep record of transmission
email as well
terminates the counteroffer
option with reserve
option conducted
selling real estate at auction is a marketing technique
auction with reserve
if highest bidder
original offer terminated
before offeror
revocation before acceptance
after acceptance
remember the california
terminating of authors
two categories
termination by the parties
and by operation of law
revoke is to withdraw the offer
reasonable in time and geographic area
strict construction
blue pencil (pennsylvania)
remedies at law
do we care about the sufficiency of consideration.
adequacy only looked at when seeking equitable remedy
something of value
not second-guess
adequcy of consideration examined by a court durine equitable remedy
option not an offer
third party beneficiaries
intoxication only minors can get out of the contract
fraud is an intentional tort
clear and convincing burden of proof
innocent misrepresentation
no actual damages
but recission
can cancel the contract
negigent misrep diff
reasonable substitution (california)
tenant buyers option
anything of value
when paying
2000 a month
legally sufficient consideration
not iff its the same rent
options are typically exercised within the period
prospective buyer tenant if buyer wants to access options then buyer
no rt to selll to anyone else
no willing
independent appraisal
right of first refusal
don't have to sell the property to me or anyone else
fraud duress
undue influence
full promise by breach
not bc law says
objective impossibility
impracticable---middle way
which cts view which way
commercial frustration
commercially enforced
subjective impossibility of contract performance
unconscionable to reasonable person
shocking to conscience
grounds for getting out of contract
adhesion contract take it or leave it type contract
courts dont like adhesion contract
level of unconscionable
not of even bargaining strength
then not an adhesion contract.
remedies avail
mandatory clause
arbitration clause
accord is satisfaction
just different
with accord and satisfaction
same parties different performance
cts accept
special problem of unliquidated death
good faith dispute about amt of money owed
liuidated debt
we dont do accord and satisfaction
cross out and paid in full
no good faith dispute
highest ever had
if an unliquidated debt
this time we'll let you modify the debt
what giving them a portion of debt
trying to modify amt not valid
a liquidated debt
not work
no consideration
good faith in dispute
law accepts public policy in place of consideration
substituting parties
with novation
no worse off than original tenant
currency dollars
tender is an offer to perform
if it is a bilateral contract
if i dont perf you dont either
but show ready willing
if can show
then can get cts to rule in yr favor because you tendered performance
if qualify from the loan
performed before
substantial performance
inferior materials why not quite the way speced
substantial but incomplete
whatever it costs to fix
measure of damages
all entitled to
compensate for out of pocket monetary loss
punitive exemplary
always often intentional
intent misrep or fraud
only time with contract only if malicious can you get punitive damages
how much liq damages clause
enf if reasonable
if labeledd liquidated damages but in effect punitive
nonenforcable if pun in nature
adequacy of consideration
jury will look at
state cts can give declaratory relief
if i did this how would you rule
statute of frauds
party sought to be charged
memorandum to convince the court there really was a contract
stat of frauds
written contract
possession is the exception in CA
partial making payments
enough to think a contract in other states
sale of personal property
modification of the uniformal commercial code
whatever language you negotiate in
parole evidence rule
oral evidence not to modfify contract
before or at the same time
not later
is admissible to show later oral modification.
promissory estoppel
stained glass hypothetical
rely on gratuitous promise
courts can find promissory estoppel
three years
five yr adverse possession
ten years for judgements
civil code catch all 4 yrs
laches equitqble equiv
record that abstract of jdgmt
go to ct for execution lien
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
real estate 3-16-10
tuesday real estate 3-16-10
zoning laws
covenants and conditions
breach of conditions harsh forfeit property
certain restrictions unlawful based on race natl origin
ch 3 wrap up
encroachment is a violation, it is unlawful
settle terms of adverse possession
protects but not against liens
judgement liens
homeowner get the home
liability 30,000 per person killed (joke)
more than the minimum better is 300, 000
one million or two million dollar limits
CA's homestead exemption
50, 000 single
married/head of household 75, 000
dependent child or elderly parent
live together you'll get a better exemption
reinvest homestead exemption
1st time buyers
often dont know about homestead exemption
if violates deed of sale
banks and mortgages can close on yr home
only judgements
insurance breaks fail
force sale
writ of execution
sherriff forces the sale.
only for house over yr head not bus property
owner occupied homestead exemption
there is apiece of paper called deed of abandonment---file declaration of abandonment.
ideal time to file it is when you aquire property
when you have yr trust deed recorded
in relation to homestead, a probate homestead
leave chapter 3
probability that they will be on the exam
know the terms
lis pendens
lot of material
another topic
chapter 4
restraint on alienation (sale of property)
CC&R okay
as long as it is not illegal
agency for a year
covers topic for half a semester
(seller) principal designates, labeled an agent(agent) on principal's behalf for a third party.
agent now on behalf of the third party (buyer)
agent reps buyer and seller
dual agency
reps any two principals with a potential conflict of interest
agency agreement
listing contract
agency created by express oral or verbal conduct.
ostensible suthority.
authority that is thought to be had
listing contracts have a fixed termination date.
no actual suthoty.
warning listing expires.
express written contract
old department store sellers were agents
page 74
above bold faced dept of real estate.
agent i the broker
implied agency.
no words express, oral expressed okay for some things
agency by estoppel
doctrine which the courts invent to prevent
twin as agent. mone dhsnged
sat there and ler a person reoying in cjacter
created tio prevent unfar
to ednymust come from the court
agency by ratification
antique store owner off to the emergeny.
friend has ratification
ostensible---cash till, customer responsiblr held on
after the fact.
ostensible. no actual.
when owner sys you did the right thing you dd it the fact
principle aftre the fact
fiduciary trust
special duties for buyer seller---but once in the realtionship of trust flow of duties.
duties and responsibilities
CA dept. of real estate
fiduciary relationship is with the principal
some duties to the third party
sometimes the duty is to a non-principle
owe duty of honesty to principle
material facts disclosure---any important facts
owe duty of confidentiality
reasonable care
diff than utmost
duty of skill
care and skill
loyalty and duty not to make a secret profit
owe this to third party duty of fair dealing as well
transfer after escrow closes
no secret profits
no duty of good faith
duty of ordinary good faith
highest good faith to the principal
kickbacks from escrow companies
rep the buyer not the seller
for residential owner occupied one to four units federal law
owner law
people who buy residential property
dont expect them to be so sophisticated
trademark registered is the world realtor
CAR is a registered name of CAr affiliated with NAR and they own the world realtor.
you could be a broker.
trade associations are illegal.
car form 1004
new fiduciary duties
utmost care honesty loyalty
sellers and selling agent
not utmost loyalty
CAR different treatment than the courts
a decade ago NAR's ethics prohibited dual agency
seller's agent and buyer's agent, a dual agency
different questions and buyers's agency
dual agency
knowledge but not consent
informed consent
never would have given consent as such
exclusive listing contract
sellers agent is the co-op agent.
agent of neither.
sue principal for the leaky roof.
if agent failed, and then innocent third party got hurt
seller pays commission but not have them as agent.
did you fully understand???
informed consent
tuesday real estate 3-16-10
zoning laws
covenants and conditions
breach of conditions harsh forfeit property
certain restrictions unlawful based on race natl origin
ch 3 wrap up
encroachment is a violation, it is unlawful
settle terms of adverse possession
protects but not against liens
judgement liens
homeowner get the home
liability 30,000 per person killed (joke)
more than the minimum better is 300, 000
one million or two million dollar limits
CA's homestead exemption
50, 000 single
married/head of household 75, 000
dependent child or elderly parent
live together you'll get a better exemption
reinvest homestead exemption
1st time buyers
often dont know about homestead exemption
if violates deed of sale
banks and mortgages can close on yr home
only judgements
insurance breaks fail
force sale
writ of execution
sherriff forces the sale.
only for house over yr head not bus property
owner occupied homestead exemption
there is apiece of paper called deed of abandonment---file declaration of abandonment.
ideal time to file it is when you aquire property
when you have yr trust deed recorded
in relation to homestead, a probate homestead
leave chapter 3
probability that they will be on the exam
know the terms
lis pendens
lot of material
another topic
chapter 4
restraint on alienation (sale of property)
CC&R okay
as long as it is not illegal
agency for a year
covers topic for half a semester
(seller) principal designates, labeled an agent(agent) on principal's behalf for a third party.
agent now on behalf of the third party (buyer)
agent reps buyer and seller
dual agency
reps any two principals with a potential conflict of interest
agency agreement
listing contract
agency created by express oral or verbal conduct.
ostensible suthority.
authority that is thought to be had
listing contracts have a fixed termination date.
no actual suthoty.
warning listing expires.
express written contract
old department store sellers were agents
page 74
above bold faced dept of real estate.
agent i the broker
implied agency.
no words express, oral expressed okay for some things
agency by estoppel
doctrine which the courts invent to prevent
twin as agent. mone dhsnged
sat there and ler a person reoying in cjacter
created tio prevent unfar
to ednymust come from the court
agency by ratification
antique store owner off to the emergeny.
friend has ratification
ostensible---cash till, customer responsiblr held on
after the fact.
ostensible. no actual.
when owner sys you did the right thing you dd it the fact
principle aftre the fact
fiduciary trust
special duties for buyer seller---but once in the realtionship of trust flow of duties.
duties and responsibilities
CA dept. of real estate
fiduciary relationship is with the principal
some duties to the third party
sometimes the duty is to a non-principle
owe duty of honesty to principle
material facts disclosure---any important facts
owe duty of confidentiality
reasonable care
diff than utmost
duty of skill
care and skill
loyalty and duty not to make a secret profit
owe this to third party duty of fair dealing as well
transfer after escrow closes
no secret profits
no duty of good faith
duty of ordinary good faith
highest good faith to the principal
kickbacks from escrow companies
rep the buyer not the seller
for residential owner occupied one to four units federal law
owner law
people who buy residential property
dont expect them to be so sophisticated
trademark registered is the world realtor
CAR is a registered name of CAr affiliated with NAR and they own the world realtor.
you could be a broker.
trade associations are illegal.
car form 1004
new fiduciary duties
utmost care honesty loyalty
sellers and selling agent
not utmost loyalty
CAR different treatment than the courts
a decade ago NAR's ethics prohibited dual agency
seller's agent and buyer's agent, a dual agency
different questions and buyers's agency
dual agency
knowledge but not consent
informed consent
never would have given consent as such
exclusive listing contract
sellers agent is the co-op agent.
agent of neither.
sue principal for the leaky roof.
if agent failed, and then innocent third party got hurt
seller pays commission but not have them as agent.
did you fully understand???
informed consent
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
property law wednesday night
duties to other brokers
cooperate with other brokers
prospective buyer
most brokers willing to do
sales people
coop subagent
brokers generally liable for misconduct
liable for coop brokers
liable for sales person duty to train but the coop
broker said that the listing broker not liable for the coop subagent
is principle liable
coop broker representing the seller
main reason for this was
indemnified by your listing broker
buyer cant deduct till sell house
brokers can sell
if i represent you then seller subagent
so paying to work against
unintended dual agency
federal law
income tax
bottom line is
dont want to rock the boat
listing v. coop
multiple listing services are provided before boards
narrow it down to
exclusive right to sell
open listing
violation of anti-trust law
as it applies to real estate broker
justice dept
has an antitrust division
enforce sherman anti-trust act
significant RE application
forbids price fixing
compensation for the broker is negotioble
if they say its not neg. that is price fixing
as a prospective principle if they say it is non-neg
tell them sherman antitrust says its neg
to carve up the marketplace and market allocation turf wise
sometimes the local brokers within a local broker board
broker from glendale
show properties and not cooperate out of town---violation of the anti-trust act
tie-in agreements
automobile manufacturers are notorious for this---a tying arrangement---you have to buy related parts---also illegal
california has its own anti-trust
clayton act
CA law prohibits agmt restircting trade
our economic system for competition fair market
have to get approval from the anti-trust dept
notoriously hard to win and lengthy
ten years
anti-trust laws often have the punitive provision
treble damages
do we wnt to take a chance getting sued by the antitrust dept.
finders fees before
to licensees
to non-licensees
atty's that pay finders fee
for z$
not illegal in california
federal law outlaw finders fee---old days---
barber says gee you must be new
as soon as the barber says
stepped over the line
tax advantages
requires a language
customer kick back
negotiating a lease whether or not the court remanded it
does an atty need a license
to neg a contract as a business atty---not disclosure agreement an atty acting as atty doesnt need a RE license
probate atty can negotiate sale without needing a RE license
then need a license if not within the scope of duty
within the scope of duty---more on RE licenses later
sales license:
re principle
prop law
eight courses under CA law
2 yrs exp
any other Q.
ch 4
civil rts act of 1968
DRE website
entity within CA dept of RE resp for licensing brokers
disciplinary hearings
headed by appointee of governor
california real estate commissioner
not only enforces real estate law in CA
make sure buyers and sellers are protected
supposedly the commisioners job commissioner
affording maximum
net listings in CA
non licensees
finders fees
the real estate commissioner
other duties
five or more lots
our focus is on the licensing
atty gen of CA appointed position
acts as an advisor for the legal commissioner
authority to issue injunctions
re hurt by unscrupulous licenseee
criminal law
is done by a rep of the people in the state of california
has investigators on the payroll thru the state
these investigators interview other buyers sellers brokers after the investigation determined if there will be a hearing
turned over to the appropriate district atty.
rep for the state of california
in other matters
in order for the licensees
to be
even though an administrative process
due process of law
diff with crime
more and less due process
minimum before the applicant can
be a year maybe forever
administrative law
ALJ for office of administrative law hearings
similar to court crowds burden of proof
conduct these
represent these hearings
burden of proof in admin hearing
convincing proof to a reasonable certainty
grounds for disciplinary action . ..
highest beyond a reasonable doubt
dept of real estate
not a preponderance
so clear and convincing is the burden of proof
the respondent licensee who is being charged with a part of violation of the law
in a criminal case if you cannot afford an atty
state is not going to pay for it
licensee violation case will not go to court in a year
must file notice within 15b days
1st break!!!!!!!!!!!
land sales contract
syndicate no real def in CA law
could mean REIT
real estate investment trust
limited partnership
sell all one hundred
along promisary notes finance
general principle
gen pwr atty fact
allows any to do what principle wants
atty in fact can do
da prosecution
up to the DA
duties to other brokers
cooperate with other brokers
prospective buyer
most brokers willing to do
sales people
coop subagent
brokers generally liable for misconduct
liable for coop brokers
liable for sales person duty to train but the coop
broker said that the listing broker not liable for the coop subagent
is principle liable
coop broker representing the seller
main reason for this was
indemnified by your listing broker
buyer cant deduct till sell house
brokers can sell
if i represent you then seller subagent
so paying to work against
unintended dual agency
federal law
income tax
bottom line is
dont want to rock the boat
listing v. coop
multiple listing services are provided before boards
narrow it down to
exclusive right to sell
open listing
violation of anti-trust law
as it applies to real estate broker
justice dept
has an antitrust division
enforce sherman anti-trust act
significant RE application
forbids price fixing
compensation for the broker is negotioble
if they say its not neg. that is price fixing
as a prospective principle if they say it is non-neg
tell them sherman antitrust says its neg
to carve up the marketplace and market allocation turf wise
sometimes the local brokers within a local broker board
broker from glendale
show properties and not cooperate out of town---violation of the anti-trust act
tie-in agreements
automobile manufacturers are notorious for this---a tying arrangement---you have to buy related parts---also illegal
california has its own anti-trust
clayton act
CA law prohibits agmt restircting trade
our economic system for competition fair market
have to get approval from the anti-trust dept
notoriously hard to win and lengthy
ten years
anti-trust laws often have the punitive provision
treble damages
do we wnt to take a chance getting sued by the antitrust dept.
finders fees before
to licensees
to non-licensees
atty's that pay finders fee
for z$
not illegal in california
federal law outlaw finders fee---old days---
barber says gee you must be new
as soon as the barber says
stepped over the line
tax advantages
requires a language
customer kick back
negotiating a lease whether or not the court remanded it
does an atty need a license
to neg a contract as a business atty---not disclosure agreement an atty acting as atty doesnt need a RE license
probate atty can negotiate sale without needing a RE license
then need a license if not within the scope of duty
within the scope of duty---more on RE licenses later
sales license:
re principle
prop law
eight courses under CA law
2 yrs exp
any other Q.
ch 4
civil rts act of 1968
DRE website
entity within CA dept of RE resp for licensing brokers
disciplinary hearings
headed by appointee of governor
california real estate commissioner
not only enforces real estate law in CA
make sure buyers and sellers are protected
supposedly the commisioners job commissioner
affording maximum
net listings in CA
non licensees
finders fees
the real estate commissioner
other duties
five or more lots
our focus is on the licensing
atty gen of CA appointed position
acts as an advisor for the legal commissioner
authority to issue injunctions
re hurt by unscrupulous licenseee
criminal law
is done by a rep of the people in the state of california
has investigators on the payroll thru the state
these investigators interview other buyers sellers brokers after the investigation determined if there will be a hearing
turned over to the appropriate district atty.
rep for the state of california
in other matters
in order for the licensees
to be
even though an administrative process
due process of law
diff with crime
more and less due process
minimum before the applicant can
be a year maybe forever
administrative law
ALJ for office of administrative law hearings
similar to court crowds burden of proof
conduct these
represent these hearings
burden of proof in admin hearing
convincing proof to a reasonable certainty
grounds for disciplinary action . ..
highest beyond a reasonable doubt
dept of real estate
not a preponderance
so clear and convincing is the burden of proof
the respondent licensee who is being charged with a part of violation of the law
in a criminal case if you cannot afford an atty
state is not going to pay for it
licensee violation case will not go to court in a year
must file notice within 15b days
1st break!!!!!!!!!!!
land sales contract
syndicate no real def in CA law
could mean REIT
real estate investment trust
limited partnership
sell all one hundred
along promisary notes finance
general principle
gen pwr atty fact
allows any to do what principle wants
atty in fact can do
da prosecution
up to the DA
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
real estate tues 5
license---to enter
jdg revocable
our focus
by express written agmt
subdivide lot
express grand easement
not strict necessity
lot divisions
claim easement by necessity
must have common ownership for easement
excessive use can terminate
ways of creating an easement
can last forever
express release best way to get out/terminate
merger of two dominant tenants of two estates
can abandon an easement
nonuse for easement by prescriptive easement
non use
destruction of the element
shopping area
destroyed by earthquake
dominant tenant
what if
two adjoining land owners
doesnt have to be the developer
or company
CCR---like zoning for private individ
covenant--promise for which breach owe $
---->conditions (a redundancy)
lose title
earthquake how effect easement
which is stricter
zoning or CC&R
zoning sev weeks later
no explanation for restrictions
final thing
restriction on unconstitutional
unlawful racial discrim
not struck fm record---
la jolla CC&R---no jewish
san diego contra blck
disclaimer, unlawful restrictions not enforceable
quiet title action
expensive to remove
derailed sup ct nominee
read the fine print
but how interesting is this
stat of lim. encroaches
jdg revocable
our focus
by express written agmt
subdivide lot
express grand easement
not strict necessity
lot divisions
claim easement by necessity
must have common ownership for easement
excessive use can terminate
ways of creating an easement
can last forever
express release best way to get out/terminate
merger of two dominant tenants of two estates
can abandon an easement
nonuse for easement by prescriptive easement
non use
destruction of the element
shopping area
destroyed by earthquake
dominant tenant
what if
two adjoining land owners
doesnt have to be the developer
or company
CCR---like zoning for private individ
covenant--promise for which breach owe $
---->conditions (a redundancy)
lose title
earthquake how effect easement
which is stricter
zoning or CC&R
zoning sev weeks later
no explanation for restrictions
final thing
restriction on unconstitutional
unlawful racial discrim
not struck fm record---
la jolla CC&R---no jewish
san diego contra blck
disclaimer, unlawful restrictions not enforceable
quiet title action
expensive to remove
derailed sup ct nominee
read the fine print
but how interesting is this
stat of lim. encroaches
real estate tues 4
tax lien
fed or state or bus non-payment
judg lien re loss of a suit
sum to plaintiff
an abstract of judgement
summary of jdgt to ct rec off have judg recorded
record judg lien
fm day of file jdg lien
priority over
valid for ten yrs
jdg lien
real propertty affected
probably collet jdgmt
coordinate old loan
lender get paid
escrow will affect buyer if not meeted out
sellers equity
be aware
prelim title report
surmountable time
receipt of payment
unimpeachable witnesses
back up and prove
brokers under mechanic's lien
judgement liens
if i do not own real property
hire detective find bank acct
ten yrs to collect
if offshore
apear to have no assets then ten yr lien can be extended
bks on how to collect jdgmt
real prop and no payment and bnk acct w/money
execution lien at court---then valid for a year
sheriff seizes
sell at public sale
bring money
pay off mortgage then
mech lien and jdgmt lien
if any left owner gets
property owners typically vulnerable
easy targets
rather pay than have fire auction
dont have to wait nine years
waiting sheriff sell property
execution lien only a yr
if no real prop and cant find pers prop (Bank acct etc)
cant collect
escrow wont close
you buyer dont want
satisfaction of jdgmt
record to show jdg lien paid
check county recorders to check for liens
ask seller
prudent to ask
some sellers will not say
when you open escrow
attachment lien
sue someone
waiting for yrs for date in ct
post jdgmt
what is to keep prop owner fm selling to avoid lien
hard to get
easier for commercial industrial prop
and only for max amt jdgmt
sold and subject to 100000 lien aside in escrow by court
if house sells for a mill---
plaintiff may have sanctions or reverse
lis pendens
less difficult to get than attch still tough more flex
fed or state or bus non-payment
judg lien re loss of a suit
sum to plaintiff
an abstract of judgement
summary of jdgt to ct rec off have judg recorded
record judg lien
fm day of file jdg lien
priority over
valid for ten yrs
jdg lien
real propertty affected
probably collet jdgmt
coordinate old loan
lender get paid
escrow will affect buyer if not meeted out
sellers equity
be aware
prelim title report
surmountable time
receipt of payment
unimpeachable witnesses
back up and prove
brokers under mechanic's lien
judgement liens
if i do not own real property
hire detective find bank acct
ten yrs to collect
if offshore
apear to have no assets then ten yr lien can be extended
bks on how to collect jdgmt
real prop and no payment and bnk acct w/money
execution lien at court---then valid for a year
sheriff seizes
sell at public sale
bring money
pay off mortgage then
mech lien and jdgmt lien
if any left owner gets
property owners typically vulnerable
easy targets
rather pay than have fire auction
dont have to wait nine years
waiting sheriff sell property
execution lien only a yr
if no real prop and cant find pers prop (Bank acct etc)
cant collect
escrow wont close
you buyer dont want
satisfaction of jdgmt
record to show jdg lien paid
check county recorders to check for liens
ask seller
prudent to ask
some sellers will not say
when you open escrow
attachment lien
sue someone
waiting for yrs for date in ct
post jdgmt
what is to keep prop owner fm selling to avoid lien
hard to get
easier for commercial industrial prop
and only for max amt jdgmt
sold and subject to 100000 lien aside in escrow by court
if house sells for a mill---
plaintiff may have sanctions or reverse
lis pendens
less difficult to get than attch still tough more flex
real estate tues 3
broker sales pers
get quitclaim fm oth spse even if claim it is sep
poss it is not
contracts---save for prenup
newly created by CA statute
avoids probabte
also jt tenancy avoids probate
if no will all goes to spouse
avoid probate
req. valid marriage
one TTIP
one by pol
tenancy in common
single man means never has been married
must specify divorce or widower
end of co-ownership
recording acknowledgement
county recorder with document
norwalk county recorder office
date time stamp
miniscule size
copy by hand
original deed
must be acknowledged
not public have expertise
county recorders do not spot fakes
require ID for notary public
rt thumb print
buy blanks fake thumbprint
97.8% (duff "i made that up" disclosure) effective
grant deed
re trump---wanted it to go to ct.
gen: anti-ct, soc. too litigous
constructive notice
legal fiction
race-notice examQ
---hurry to get there and no notice of a prior transfer
not permitted to give legal--tax law--advice draft docs
fast way to lose the license
ch 2
defeasible fee stuff
hardest ch
if you understand---this book---RE exam
test Q.
choose better answer when multiple are true
hopefully no poorly writ Q
non free hold state
Exclusive right to enjoy the possession and use of a parcel of land or other asset for an indefiniteperiod. In contrast, a leasehold estate is for a fixed, definite period. See also fee simple absolute in possession.
encumbrance---a restrictions that limits use and enjoyment of property
1. lien--charge against prop for payment of money
involuntary (trust deeds and mortgages ch 8&9)
mechanics liens---in CA constitution bc most vulnerable's_lien
labor and materials---special category like equity---for gen contractor---subcontractor---
landscape contract
commencement of work----mech lien
date of priority
most things are when recorded---but for mech lien it is when work starts
perfecting lien by placing materials on site by giving priority---go to the head of the line----
file doc
preliminary notice within 20 days of work started in the county recorders office
day lumber placed
gives notice lien has priority
contractor--takes prec over other liens---tax etc
unless they are prior
aft prelim notice
subcontractors---paid when contractors
never pay in advance
ninety days to hear excuses for non payment
filed notice of completion
sub contract shrinks to 30 days
contrct to 60
they then have to file suit
prove work done
no pay
defense: leaky roof
proof paid---in writing
priority goes back to 3 yrs b4
MEMORIZE for DRE exam.
tax liens
2. CCR
3. encroachments
4. leases
5. blanket encumbrance (exam)---developer---100 lots say---money fm the bank---lien on all 1000 lots---sell lots---so then developer opens one lot so you can get loan
charge against property---for the payment of money
p 57
Exh 3-3
broker sales pers
get quitclaim fm oth spse even if claim it is sep
poss it is not
contracts---save for prenup
newly created by CA statute
avoids probabte
also jt tenancy avoids probate
if no will all goes to spouse
avoid probate
req. valid marriage
one TTIP
one by pol
tenancy in common
single man means never has been married
must specify divorce or widower
end of co-ownership
recording acknowledgement
county recorder with document
norwalk county recorder office
date time stamp
miniscule size
copy by hand
original deed
must be acknowledged
not public have expertise
county recorders do not spot fakes
require ID for notary public
rt thumb print
buy blanks fake thumbprint
97.8% (duff "i made that up" disclosure) effective
grant deed
re trump---wanted it to go to ct.
gen: anti-ct, soc. too litigous
constructive notice
legal fiction
race-notice examQ
---hurry to get there and no notice of a prior transfer
not permitted to give legal--tax law--advice draft docs
fast way to lose the license
ch 2
defeasible fee stuff
hardest ch
if you understand---this book---RE exam
test Q.
choose better answer when multiple are true
hopefully no poorly writ Q
non free hold state
Exclusive right to enjoy the possession and use of a parcel of land or other asset for an indefiniteperiod. In contrast, a leasehold estate is for a fixed, definite period. See also fee simple absolute in possession.
encumbrance---a restrictions that limits use and enjoyment of property
1. lien--charge against prop for payment of money
involuntary (trust deeds and mortgages ch 8&9)
mechanics liens---in CA constitution bc most vulnerable's_lien
labor and materials---special category like equity---for gen contractor---subcontractor---
landscape contract
commencement of work----mech lien
date of priority
most things are when recorded---but for mech lien it is when work starts
perfecting lien by placing materials on site by giving priority---go to the head of the line----
file doc
preliminary notice within 20 days of work started in the county recorders office
day lumber placed
gives notice lien has priority
contractor--takes prec over other liens---tax etc
unless they are prior
aft prelim notice
subcontractors---paid when contractors
never pay in advance
ninety days to hear excuses for non payment
filed notice of completion
sub contract shrinks to 30 days
contrct to 60
they then have to file suit
prove work done
no pay
defense: leaky roof
proof paid---in writing
priority goes back to 3 yrs b4
MEMORIZE for DRE exam.
tax liens
general all prop you own
specific re specif prop
some voluntary and specific
trust deed and mortgage--later
2. CCR
3. encroachments
4. leases
5. blanket encumbrance (exam)---developer---100 lots say---money fm the bank---lien on all 1000 lots---sell lots---so then developer opens one lot so you can get loan
charge against property---for the payment of money
p 57
Exh 3-3
real estate tues 2
limited partnerships not unheard of--
liability limited to the investment
most specific
community property
acq in marriage while domiciled in a com prop state
not separate prop
eight states
re: more =
quasi community property
re states tax jump--com prop spread, then tax benefit ruled over by statutes
re: div marriage and Prop 8
gift is sep
oh divorce law!
if aq during marriage it will be treated as com prop
take title in partnership
or as jt tenants
w rt of survivorship
possible too!!!
marvin v. marvin
leads people to think there is com law in CA but NO
quasi contract
has to be in writing
got palimony to retrain for work
created panic at the time
to est in contract ownership among couples
adverse possession application
hope to get going with with all my audiofiles----how wonderful---recording audio file.
tech support told me soon they will support upload of mp3s
tape recorded oral agreement is valid
"i leave you everything"
then this becomes com prop.
change separate prop.
wish duffy were not so FISA aware/respectful
re: copyleft
ADA access
global literacy
new times will lend for new methods.
he is such a good teacher.
liability limited to the investment
most specific
community property
acq in marriage while domiciled in a com prop state
not separate prop
eight states
re: more =
quasi community property
re states tax jump--com prop spread, then tax benefit ruled over by statutes
re: div marriage and Prop 8
gift is sep
oh divorce law!
if aq during marriage it will be treated as com prop
take title in partnership
or as jt tenants
w rt of survivorship
possible too!!!
marvin v. marvin
leads people to think there is com law in CA but NO
quasi contract
has to be in writing
got palimony to retrain for work
created panic at the time
to est in contract ownership among couples
adverse possession application
hope to get going with with all my audiofiles----how wonderful---recording audio file.
tech support told me soon they will support upload of mp3s
tape recorded oral agreement is valid
"i leave you everything"
then this becomes com prop.
change separate prop.
wish duffy were not so FISA aware/respectful
re: copyleft
ADA access
global literacy
new times will lend for new methods.
he is such a good teacher.
real estate tues 1
could not possibly do justice to duffy's excellent approach---
fast and furious---roughly ch 2 of CA RE Principles
color of title
appearance of good title
legal description wrong
appearance of good title
adverse possession
claim of right
property taxes
nov del dec 10
two installment
as true owner
when adverse possessor tries to overlap
if you pay first
check back
first reaction
nice someone paid for me . . . actually may lose
5yrs title
open and notorious
why would a true owner allow another to pay
how long get away with hypothet
"when you say what not"
precedence of the received tax 1st
pay online
or in cash
county office
easement by prescription
transfer by dedication
by deed
by will
title in severalty
discursively re lands indig
undivided rt of ownership
rt of survivorship
by law
goes to joint owner/tenancy
cts dont like it
Time---at com law it wasnt unusaual to have spouses owned by neutral 3rd party then retransf back
ct to get bck
spouses now do away with time title req.
by CA stat
undivided interest
buy together
deed must clarify
cts pref ten. in common
jt ten with rt of survivorship
if they get talking
fast and furious---roughly ch 2 of CA RE Principles
color of title
appearance of good title
legal description wrong
appearance of good title
adverse possession
claim of right
property taxes
nov del dec 10
two installment
as true owner
when adverse possessor tries to overlap
if you pay first
check back
first reaction
nice someone paid for me . . . actually may lose
5yrs title
open and notorious
why would a true owner allow another to pay
how long get away with hypothet
"when you say what not"
precedence of the received tax 1st
pay online
or in cash
county office
easement by prescription
transfer by dedication
by deed
by will
title in severalty
discursively re lands indig
undivided rt of ownership
rt of survivorship
by law
goes to joint owner/tenancy
cts dont like it
Time---at com law it wasnt unusaual to have spouses owned by neutral 3rd party then retransf back
ct to get bck
spouses now do away with time title req.
by CA stat
undivided interest
buy together
deed must clarify
cts pref ten. in common
jt ten with rt of survivorship
if they get talking
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